Sunday, April 24, 2011

Healing Properties of Garlic

Garlic carries many health benefits. Garlic is believed to help in the following:
  • have antibacterial activity 
  • prevent cancer (especially stomach and colon cancers) 
  • have antiviral activity 
  • prevent heart disease 
  • have anti-fungal activity
  • high blood pressure 
  • reduce high cholesterol levels in the human body 
  • regulate blood sugar levels 

Garlic History and Origin

The name garlic dates back to the time when Old English was spoken, and it is translated as spear leek. It is however known that garlic originates from Central Asia and from there made its way all over the world. Garlic dates as far back as 6000 years and was mainly used for medicinal and culinary purposes, even though some cultures perceived garlic as being spiritual with supernatural powers. It is also said that the Ancient Egyptians fed their slaves with garlic to increase their strength and ability to work harder.

Interestingly, garlic was almost exclusively found among ethnic minority cultures in the United States until the 1940's, where it suddenly gained in popularity and has since then been a major ingredient in many recipes.

Garlic Education

The names of garlic in different languages

Arabic: ثوم
Czechčesnek kuchyňský 
Dutch: knoflook 
Finnish: valkosipuli
French: l'ail cultivé 
German: knoblauch 
Icelandic: hvítlaukur
Italian: l'aglio
Latin: allium sativum 
Spanish: ajo
Swedish: vitlök

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Healing Properties of Thyme

Thyme carries a significant number of healing properties. Thyme....
  • is an anti-parasitical agent
  • cures hangovers and stomach cramps
  • helps against bronchitis and other coughs 
  • cures a cold
  • has anti-inflammatory properties
  • is anti-septic 
  • is an anti-fungal 

Thyme History and Origin

Thyme is a herb that can be traced back as far as to Ancient Egypt where it was used in the process of embalming. Its name comes from the Greek word thymos which means spirit and/or smoke. In Ancient Greece, people put thyme in their bath and burned it as incense because they believed thyme was a sign of courage. Similarly, the Romans took a bath in thyme water before battle to gain courage and strength. It is said that many knights of the Middle Ages had a sprig of thyme embroidered on their scarves by their loved  one as a sign of bravery. 

It is said in Northern European folklore that wild thyme is the favorite place of fairies, and therefore also the easiest place to spot them. 

Thyme Education

The names of thyme in different languages 

Czech: mateřídouška 
Croatian: timijan
Danish: timian
Finnish: timjam
French: thym
German: thymiane
Italian: timo
Latin: thymus
Portuguese: tomilho
Swedish: timjan

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Healing Properties of Garden Sage

Garden sage has throughout history been highly regarded due to its medicinal properties. Garden sage has:

  • anti-inflammatory properties (recommended for people with inflammatory conditions such as bronchial asthma and atherosclerosis
  • antioxidants
  • healing properties to sooth a sore throat 
  • healing properties to help treat mouth problems such as bleeding gums
  • characteristics that promotes a healthy brain function